What gift should I bring? What life must I live?
Do not waste one moment of your wild and precious fate.
Attention is the beginning of devotion.
Empty yourself of the small god “I”
And welcome soul in all things, your kin.
Time knows that chaos is cosmos slowly unfolding itself.
Fear dying, but not death
Fear the iron heart, the concrete glance
The eyes sliding sideways when the world implores you.
Pause. Imagine. Cherish.
Walk into your deeps to follow the ancestors
Listening to the teachers who have always been there, and who love.
They pad on four feet, slip through wet grasses and soft ooze
Glide upon currents of icy water and warm air
Eloquent—when you learn to listen.
Only their silence is terrifying.
Image of black falcon, Kruger National Park, by Frans van Heerden; pexels.com